Friday, January 22, 2010

UFO Essay ~ Amanda D.

The research really wasn't that hard. You just had to find different sightings and research them. Most of it was very easy to understand. The only hard part was trying to decide whether or not I think UFO's really do exist. I think I am going to have to go on the side that UFO's do exist. I believe that God made the universe and that he could of created more people just than us in the owrld. So I think that UFO's really do exist, granted some of the sitings I think were probably fake, but who is to say that they weren't. With the government trying to hide so much I definelty feel that there is something out there.


  1. I really like how at the end you give a good question to ponder, it really made me think about UFO's. I like all your information and how you backed it up. Great job!

  2. Like Karen said, I really liked how you ended in a question. Your information was very good, and it helped me learn more on UFO's. Nice job!

  3. I agree with you. I wouldn't really believe these people except that the government is trying to cover them up. It seems like just some crazy phyco until the government steps in and takes away all of the tapes and refuses to say anything. Something is definitly up, and it kind of creeps me out...

  4. I also like how you ended with a question, because it makes the reader really think about your essay and about UFOs. You did a really good job finding solid information. Great project, Amanda!
