Monday, January 25, 2010

Tanner S. Alternate Theories of the universe.

The words in the picture are hard to read so here they are again.

Around 13.7 Billion years ago there was not a cosmic explosion, the universe just began to expand. The universe started to “inflate”, it began to expand and cool. The universe is believed to have began as an infinitely small, and infinitely, and infinitely dense. It was a singularity. A singularity is thought to be at the core of a black hole. Where did it come from? We don’t know. Why did it appear? We don’t know. The universe to this day is still expanding. It is still constantly cooling and growing.
Scientists think of matter as being made of tiny particles that they are unobservable. Mathematical formulas say that particles are point-like and therefore have no shape. The general idea of the string theory is that this is wrong, and that these particles are instead shaped like tiny loops of string. String theory suggests that when these tiny loops move in different ways, they actually are a different type of matter. In other words, if the string theory loop moves in one direction it will act differently than if it moves in another direction.
The creation theory is a belief that the universe was created from a God that created all life and everything from a complete nothingness. Another version of this is theistic evolution and this is a belief that God placed creatures on this earth that he created and created evolution to evolve these creature into humans and other animals of today.


  1. You included alot of good information in this presentation. However it was put into the presentation in a way that the presentation was very short and not very interesting. I would have spread the info out a little more if this was my presentation.

  2. I liked the way how you put the information. It is the exact opposite of wikipedia - it is easy to understand and clearly put. I think as far as a presentation you either needed to put more slides with less information per slide, or use different software, because I had to read it below. However, I did like the music, even if it didn't really fit with the topic...

  3. It's good that you noticed your text was hard to read. The part of having way too much info per slide is kinda boring, coupled with the fact I didn't have enough time from slide to slide to read the subtext under the video, or the video's text, either, kinda stinks, but the pictures were cool, and the creationist one made me laugh. Nice music too. Overall, Decent job.

  4. Great job Tanner! You could have put in some more info but great job!
    --Alex H

  5. I would say that I agree with Ben's comment, in that maybe spreading out your information and making it more appealing would have enhanced your presentation
