The idea of a wormhole was first proposed by Albert Einstein working together with Nathan Rosen. It is considered a solution of his theory of general relativity. It could be found at the center of a galaxy, as a black hole is thought to, and attract objects in a similar way, having similar characteristics, and therefore being completely indistinguishable from it.
The main issue with this concept for space travel is what is at its center. It would appear that something would be compressed to infinite density as passing through the middle. when viewed in any illustration. The question is whether it could be reassembled in its full form after passing through the wormhole, and be able to function still properly.
Another crucial matter is the question of whether you could pass back through the wormhole. Would they be stable enough to support two-way travel? Or would they collapse at the second it recognized your molecular structure? To keep it open it is hypothesized that there would have to have negative energy and pressure, making a substance called exotic matter. Whether or not it exists is debatable.
Another question of wormholes is if it would really just take you to another time and place within your dimension. Would you actually be able to reach it if you really wanted too and had lots, and lots, and lots of time? What if it took you to another dimension where you instantly died? Well, if this was the case it could still be beneficial to humans’ industry. If there was some way to transport matter or energy back from another dimension, the potential for new drugs, medicines, compounds – in fact, almost everything – could be expanded and utilized to far greater extent.
I found that not much was known about wormholes but that if more could be found about them they could become very real ways of space travel.
Bonsor, Kevin. "HowStuffWorks "Wormholes"." Howstuffworks "Science". N.p.,
n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2010.
"Wormholes." Oracle ThinkQuest Library . N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2010.
"wormhole." The Worlds of David Darling. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2010.
Wow! This was simply tons of info! nice job!