Monday, February 8, 2010

Life On Mars---Bailey Z.

Most of finding the information was easy, but finding the interiviews was much harder. Finding valid interivews was hard because there was a lot of wierd interviews and people. The most interesting part of the presentation was finding some of the cool pictures and hearing the real life UFO stories.


  1. Nice job Bailey, you had a lot of good info and pictures.

  2. Great powerpoint. You had a ton of information but it was just put in paragraphs again. I would suggest bullets but other than that good job.

  3. I agree with Ben it would have looked more professional if you used bullets.

  4. Good job. I could fully understand all the info that was in there and it's great you expressed your opinion.

  5. Great job Bailz. I liked your explanations, but it would have made for a much neater format if you condensed your information into bullet points instead of having full paragraphs on each slide. Other than that, this was an excelent presentation.

  6. Nice presentation and info. However, I think and essay might be more suited to your style. That way you could keep writing your paragraphs, and no one would expect it to be bulleted.
