Friday, February 5, 2010

UFO's---Bailey Z.

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The easiest part of this presentation was finding the pictures for the presentation. The hardest part of this presentation was finding the different stories of people who had UFO encounters. Overall this presentation was fun and interesting because I couldn't believe how many people have had UFO encounters.


  1. I liked how you talked about different parts of UFO's and then put your own opinion on it. Next time, however, I think you should maybe talk about the side of people that don't believe in them just to show it before you state your opinion so we know some stuff about each.

  2. The presentation was awesome! Also I do agree with Karen that you might want to talk about people who don't believe in UFO's.

  3. All of the things said was awesome. So many things are unknown but you cleared up most of it.

  4. I enjoyed your presentation. I like how you used a recent UFO sighting in you information.

  5. We sent satalights far out of our solar system to take pictures of the universe. If there are galaxies with life on them, what if they have more advanced technology than us? We sent men to the moon, and are planning to send men to Mars. Eventually, wouldn't it just be logical that we would end up sending men to other galaxies? It is incorrect to say that it is unlikely, and it would be more accurate to just say it is unknown.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I really liked your presentation. Your information was well described which helped me understand it better. Nice job.
