Thursday, January 28, 2010

Was the First Moon Landing a Conspiracy?

Researching the first moon landing conspiracy idea was pretty easy. There were many good websites on it, and I liked seeing what people noticed about it. I thought it was interesting that they saw that the flag was waving and that there were no stars visible.


  1. That was well done. You had a lot of facts in it about the moon landing, as well as why it would be a conspiracy. What is your opinion on this?

  2. I thought that you information was great. I would like to hear however if you can defend the landing, and what stand do you have on it, meaning if it was conspiracy or not?

  3. Your information was great. Like Amanda said, it would have been interesting if you could defend the landing. Great job though.

  4. Your facts were great. I agree with the other comments above, it would have been cool if you ahve defended the landing on the moon. Other wise great job!

  5. I am not sure whose project this is, but good job. I would have liked it better if you had shown both perspectives a little more in depth, but it was great none the less. Lots of excelent facts.
