Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Allie H.--Dark Energy and Dark Matter

A piece of information that I found interesting was 99.9% of matter in the universe is dark matter, therefore 99.9% of all matter in the universe is partially a mystery. Most of this research was easy, but the only thing I couldn't find anything on was some implications on whether or not we could store dark matter or energy.


  1. Great job on this Allie. You did a good job explaining what they are. Nice job making the text readable. Also, good job putting the graph picture on there. Great job!

  2. Your presentation has a lot of good information. I like how you included a graph to help explain the total amount of dark matter and dark energy. Also, I like how you bolded the bullet points that were important.

  3. I thought your presentation was very good, and the facts you provided were very detailed and helpful. The graoh was very nice. I thought this was a very good presentation, nice job.

  4. On my powerpoint, I wrote down that dark matter made up 99.9% of the universe. This was wrong information; dark energy is 70% of the universe and dark matter is 25% of the universe. Sorry for the confusion.

  5. This was a really good powerpoint! You had very specific information. I also liked the picutres in the background! Nice Job!

  6. Nice Job Allie!
    Your information was really good.....this shows that you really understand the concept :) I also like the graph..it helps the reader understand the percentages better!

  7. Allie, this powerpoint was really good! You had really good information that was easy to understand and the format was also great. The graph helped to visualize how much dark matter and energy is out there. Fantastic job!
